There are very few people he can talk to in total confidence, as he has discovered to his cost. 他吃了亏后才发现自己真正能够交心的人寥寥无几。
I was with my husband for eight years in total 我和丈夫在一起的时间总共有8年。
He is a firm believer in total quality management. 他是个极力主张全面质量管理的人。
We may get something in total, but averaging it out, each of us will get only next to nothing. 总起来讲,我们能得到一些,但平均起来每个人几乎一无所得。
In total, Demark won two gold and six bronze medals in Athens. 在雅典奥运会上,丹麦一共获得了两枚金牌和六枚铜牌。
In total, 71 per cent of the British workforce has been bullied. 总体来看,71%的英国劳动力都曾受到过欺凌。
I'm in total agreement with what you say. 对于你所说的,我完全赞成。
In addition to the CPU savings mentioned before, we see roughly equal network bandwidth consumption, and a slight increase in total disk activity. 除了前面提到的CPU资源方面的节省,我们可以看到消耗了几乎相同的网络带宽和稍显频繁的总的磁盘活动。
In total, write scripts to install, configure, and start the components of our plug-in. 总体而言,我们将编写用于安装、配置和启动我们的插件组件的脚本。
In total, JavaCC generates the following seven Java files. JavaCC总共生成了以下七个Java文件。
Unexpectedly, she attracted 79 partners from the Internet, and 410,000 yuan in total to start the project. 出乎意料的是,她吸引了79位合伙人,共筹得41万元人民币的项目启动资金。
In total, the exercise involved 13 countries, six US cabinet-level departments and 60 companies. 这次演习总共有13个国家参与,涉及了美国6个内阁部门,以及60家公司。
In total, they have attracted thousands of frequent customers and over 10 million yuan from angel investors. 他们不仅吸引了成千上万的老顾客,而且还获得了天使投资1000万的投资。
You must also be in total alignment with who you are as a confident male. 你还必须完全清楚自己是谁,如同一个自信的男人。
Each episodes-12 in total-are shot in a different country. 这部真人秀共有12集,每集都在不同的国家拍摄。
294. Which method of making the metal helmet is more economical in total? 294.生产这种金属头盔的方法哪一种总体上更节约?
-In total, about a week. 总共一周左右。
The novel also shows that in the American society of 1920s, the commons were in total depravity. 小说真实描写了20年代美国社会的情况,平民和政府都在堕落。
In total, the index takes into account 11 indicators. 总体来说,该指标以11项指数为基础。
Phelps ends his career with 22 medals in total, 18 of them gold, from four Olympic Games. 在菲尔普斯的职业生涯中,他总共获得了22块奖牌,其中18块是金牌,分别来自于四届奥运会。
Four months in each place. A year in total. 每个地方待四个月,总共一年。
The men 100 in total had traveled from all over: the Midwest, Canada, Washington State. 他们总共有100人,来自四面八方:美国中西部、加拿大和华盛顿州。
In total there were 80 medium and 30 light armored cars in the brigade. 总共有80辆中型和30辆轻型装甲汽车。